
Weber Timeline

July 16, 1899 Lina Banda is born in Rakospalota/Nagy-Tarkany, Zemplen, Hungary to Jakob Banda, a cantor and Malvine Weissman Banda 

September 12, 1901 Alexander Weber born in Paderborn, Germany to Ferenc Weber and Anna Gertrud Drolshagen

1925 Alexander Weber voluntarily converts to Judaism 

September 12, 1926 - Lina Banda and Alexander Weber marry

October 8, 1927 Alfons Weber born in Dortmund, Germany

January 5, 1929 Senta Weber born in Dortmund, Germany

1929 Webers move to Berlin, Germany; 31 Grenadierstrasse in the Scheunenviertal-

October 24, 1929 Black Thursday (stock market crash)

October 28, 1930 Ruth Weber born in Berlin

October 29, 1929 Black Tuesday

April 9, 1932 Gertrude Weber born in Berlin

January 30, 1933 - Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

1933 Alexander Weber is under the provisions of the Heimtucke Law by Nazis and incarcerated in the KZ Oranienburg, near Berlin - he serves 10 months in concentration camp and is placed under police surveillance.

1934- 1942 Alfons attends Jewish School for boys; 29 Kaiserstrasse (Senta, Ruth & Gertrud 11 Auguststrasse).

July 25, 1935-Nuremberg laws enacted; Jews were excluded from serving in the armed forces by decree

January 9, 1935 – Renée Weber is born in Berlin

1936-Grandma Gertrud Weber visits Berlin

1936 Berlin hosts Olympic Games

January 11, 1937 Judith Weber is born in Berlin

February 19, 1937- Grandma Gertud Weber dies

1938 - restricted laws enacted; add the name Israel and Sarah; divest business; passports must have "J"; forbidden to own businesses, buy precious metals, attend cultural events, attend school, drive cars; surrender stocks...

July 22, 1938 Kentkarte I.D. Cards are mandatory 

1938 Kristallnacht - Neue Schul invaded but repairs were made and services resumed until 1942

1938 Alexander Weber becomes employed as an electrician

September 1939-May 1945 6-years warfare of 12 out of 1000 years intended Reich

September 1, 1939 Nazis invade Poland; Jews are forbidden to have radios, 

November 27, 1939 Bela Weber born in Berlin; family moves to Dragonerstrasse 48-third floor 

1940 Jews forbidden to have telephones, restricted shopping hours 

1940 Alexander Weber resigned from Judische Gemeinde

1941 Lina Weber participates in black market and underground activities - she must have come under police surveillance and was arrested several times, questioned and then released

1941 required to wear Jewish star, must use ration cards, may not change residence without official consent

October 18, 1941 first official round up of Jews from Berlin to concentration camps

October 24, 1941 Judenhegunstigung did not exist in the German penal code but was invented and defined by a decree; punishment for first time Gentile offenders was three months in a concentration camp. Jews were always placed in camps.

1941 Alfons becomes Bar Mitzvah at Alte Schul

December 7, 1941 – Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

1942 Alfons graduates from Volksschule

1942 All Jewish schools and Synagogues closed by Nazis, Jews are forbidden pets, public eateries, transportation-over 800 Jews commit suicide

1942  Allied Air Raid; Alte Schul and sanctuary of Neue Schul totally destroyed

February 27, 1943 Fabrikaktion; rounding up of Jews; Gentile women married to Jewish men protested in the one and only public protest against the Nazis in the 12-year reign 

March 9/May 1943 Lina Weber arrested by Gestapo; Alexander Weber went to police and did not come home

March 10 Children were taken by orderlies of the Judische Gemeinde; delivered to Krankenhaus JD in the Exerzierstrasse (hospital/orphanage); renamed Iranische Strasse and now Heinz Galinski Strasse; Alfons was placed in Polizeistation (within the hospital; sick ward for Jews-though he wasn't sick). Windows were barred and the ward was kept under lock and key. This hospital became a collection point for the transport of Jews to camps. Alexander was arrested for Judenhegunstigung.    Apartment is placed under Gestapo seal

At some point Lina was released and came to the hospital to inquire about the children.  Neighbors told Senta they saw Lina.  Alexander had been released. Lina was arrested again. Lina Weber was never seen again.  One postcard states that she was in the Braunschweig Labor Camp. The other states she was being sent to Auschwitz

April 1943 Alexander Weber is released by Gestapo and children were released and returned to their father. He was required to appear twice a week in the Burgstrasse for interrogation.  He was informed his children would also be transported to Auschwitz.  He had the children baptized at the Herz Jesu Kirche in he Fehrbelliner Strasse

July 1943 Jews placed under police jurisdiction and denied protection of the courts

Summer/November* 1943 Arthur and Paula Schmidt, with the help of the Burgermeister Rudi Fehrmann, hid the girls on their fruit orchard in Worin and transported Alexander and Alfons each weekend back and forth to Berlin until March/April 1945 when the Russian Armies launched their attack across the Oder River.  Besides Mr. And Mrs Schmidt and hired weekend help, the Stellmacher family resided there as caretakers and farm workers.  Additionally, a Gentile family from 48 was also given shelter at Grüner Wald

November 23, 1943 Alfons is involved for 3 days and nights in uninterrupted fire-fighting due to incendiary thermite and phosphorous bombs.  After this Herr Schmidt offered the children shelter in Worin

December 1, 1943 11:35 am-Lina Weber dies at Auschwitz.  Angina possible cause of death.  Death certificate sent from Gestapo to local police station does not state.  Her murder is a matter of public record

January 24, 1944 Alfons is inducted for military service

April 27, 1944 local police station issue Alfons a Kentkarte defining him as a Jew

June 6, 1944 D-Day – Allied forces invade Normandy, France

July 1944 Officers Plot (not a public protest)

August 8, 1944 Alfons receives final notification that he is excluded from military service because he is a Jew.

January/February 1945 Russians opened great offensive to take Berlin.

March/April 1945 Alexander and all seven children live in the basement of Dragonerstrasse 48.  No running water or electricity. Water for all including businesses came from pumps.  Living in the cellar of 48.

April 16, 1945 City of Berlin is encircled by Russian Army.  

Alfons works and sleeps at Mr. Erdmann's bakery on the corner of Alte Schonhauser and Mulack Strasse. He stays off the streets and provides bread to his family.  Family house gets bombed by low flying Russian biplane.  Family moves to empty house No. 47.  Alfons builds a roof

May 1945 Germany surrenders to Soviet occupation.

August 6, 1945 – United States drops Atomic bomb on Hiroshima

August 9, 1945 – United States drops Atomic bomb on Nagasaki

Late 1945/Early 1946 Ruth and Bela meet with Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (the “Joint”) to declare themselves as Jews and all seven children are admitted as "orphans" into the United Nations RRA collection camp for displaced persons in Berlin.- Wilmersdorf. 

February 22, 1946 all seven children were issued individual DP (displaced persons) ID cards

They traveled by truck convoy to Hannover then by train to Munich where they reported directly to Funkkaserne DP camp, a former SS Barracks. Two days later moved to a children's camp in Kloser Indersdorf, 10km north of Dachau. 4-6 weeks.  The children selected USA.  Remained here for 4-6 weeks.

They traveled by train to Bremerhaven and after a few days boarded the SS Marine Flasher. Photos taken.

May 19/20, 1946 arrival in New York City Harbor-photos taken.

Quarantined 215 48th Street NYC for four weeks.

They traveled by train to Chicago.

June 14, 1946 arrived in Chicago to the Jewish Children's Bureau on Wells. Photos taken.

Alexander dissolved the apartment in Berlin but was unable to emigrate, settled in Catrop-Rauxel with a new wife, step daughter and they had a child together.

Mayor Rudi Fehrman is killed by Russians.

Arthur Schmidt became a truck driver and visited Alexander before he left for America.

1956 Alexander Weber along with his new wife Mrs. Maske, (Tante), her daughter Brigitte and their new, Harry, emigrated to the USA and took up residence in Chicago. The settlement from his inheritance in Paderborn paid for the transatlantic travel.

1958 photo of Schmidts arrives in America. 

February 28, 1970 Alexander Weber dies.

2011-Alfons and his son Karl visit Paderborn the street where Alexander was born Krumme Grube 13.  The house and town were bombed and have been entirely rebuilt.  Alfons and Karl have dinner in Berlin with Mrs. Thea Sarich.

2016 Alfons Weber and Ginger Lane’s application for Arthur and Paula Schmidt to be named Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Vashem is granted.  (Rudi Fehrman undetermined.?)

September 11th, 2016 – Alfons Weber dies.

July 16, 2017 Ginger, Beth, Jen and Fred Lane visit Worin, Germany and meet Arthur Schmidt III.

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